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Wy’East Resource Conservation & Development
30+ years
of providing education, outreach, and development assistance to producers and rural small businesses in Oregon.
38.5 million kWh
irrigation related energy savings on behalf of rural electric cooperatives and PUDs from 2013 to 2023.
$2.26 million
Rural Energy for America Program grant requests submitted in fiscal year 2022.
2.51 million kWh
of renewable energy generation proposed in fiscal year 2022 through the Rural Energy for America Program.
Rural Innovation
Pioneering groundbreaking technologies, practices, and forward-thinking solutions for the advancement of rural communities, small businesses, and producers.
On Farm Energy and Water
Leading energy and water conservation practices supporting energy independence and water saving solutions for Pacific Northwest farmers and ranchers.
Rural Economies
Strengthening existing small businesses, while enabling emerging rural entrepreneurs and innovators in pursuit of new rural-based economic pathways.
Oregon Department of Energy Grounded Podcast: Episode 41 - Oregon Cherries and Tractor Tech
In The News
Columbia Community Connection: Google grant to help bring clean energy, climate resilience to Wasco County
Sustainable Northwest Blog: Electric Tractor Demonstration with Black Food Sovereignty Coalition
Energy Trust Blog: At Duncan Livestock and Hay, energy upgrades create a more sustainable farm