Interested in joining our council? We have 2+ vacancies! See below for more information.
What is a Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Council?
Residents know what is best for their communities. An RC&D's goal is to encourage rural development, ensure natural resource sustainability and foster community growth. The board of directors for each council is made up of interested city and county commissioners, local business leaders, utility representatives and farmers. Utilization of the resources at hand, both natural and human, is central to the RC&D approach.
Wy’East RC&D is a rural-based 501(c)3 nonprofit with a council focused and excited about rural energy conservation & advancement, and are passionate supporters of rural life.
Council Members
Steve Kramer
Wy’East Council Vice President
Wasco County Commissioner -
Lloyd Forman
Wy’East Council Secretary & Treasurer
Fred Vosper
Wy’East Council Member
Email Robert Wallace at if you’re interested in joining our board
Email Robert Wallace at if you’re interested in joining our board